Seminar Series AY2022/2023, Term 1

AY2022/2023, Term 1


Aug 18 (Thu)

4-5.30pm (Zoom)

Path-dependent Preferences and Polarized Public Response to Pandemics

Audrey Hu

City University of Hong Kong

Sep 1 (Thu)


Dynamic Contracting with Flexible Monitoring

Ming Yang

University College London

Sep 7 (Wed)


Impacts of LTV Policy on the Mortgage Market via Housing Speculation

Kaiji Chen

Emory University

Sep 8 (Thu)

10-11.30am (Zoom)

The Core in Housing Markets with Indifferent Preferences

Jun Zhang

Nanjing Audit University

Sep 15 (Thu)


Generalizing Obvious Dominance using the Sure-thing Principle

Chew Soo Hong

NUS & Southwestern University of Finance & Economics

Sep 16 (Fri)


Poverty at Higher Frequency

Joshua Merfeld

KDI School of Public Policy and Management

Sep 28 (Wed)


Development via Administrative Redistricting: Evidence from Brazil

Ricardo Dahis


Sep 29 (Thu)

4-5.30pm (Zoom)

Information Disclosure and Favoritism in Contests

Zenan Wu

Peking University

Oct 6 (Thu)


A Network Solution to Robust Implementation: the Case of Identical but Unknown Distributions

Antonio Penta

Barcelona School of Economics

Oct 7 (Fri)

9-10.30am (Zoom)

The Productivity of Professions: Evidence from the Emergency Department

Yiqun Chen

University of Illinois at Chicago

Oct 12 (Wed)

9-10.30am (Zoom)

Price Floors and Employer Preferences: Evidence from a Minimum Wage Experiment

John Horton

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Oct 13 (Thu)


Short-term Impact of Income on Mortality: Evidence from South Korea’s Public Pension Programs

Kanghyock Koh

Korea University

Oct 19 (Wed)


The Midlife Crisis

Nattavudh Powdthavee

Nanyang Technological University

Oct 21 (Fri)

10-11.30am (Zoom)

Do Sanctions Affect Growth?

Ohyun Kwon

Drexel University

Oct 26 (Wed)

9-10.30am (Zoom)

Demand Shocks, Procurement Policies, and the Nature of Medical Innovation: Evidence from Wartime Prosthetic Device Patents

Jeffrey Clemens

University of California, San Diego

Oct 27 (Thu)


Self-weighted LS Estimation for Nonlinear Cointegrating Regression

Qiying Wang

The University of Sydney

Oct 28 (Fri)

10-11.30am (ILS)

The Stable Transformation Path

Joseph Kaboski

University of Notre Dame

Oct 28 (Fri)


Contracting with Enemies?: Vertical FDI with Outsourcing Contracts

Jee-Hyeong Park

Seoul National University

Nov 2 (Wed)


STRC - The Challenge of Long-term Care

Kathleen McGarry

University of California, Los Angeles

Nov 3 (Thu)


Learning by Consuming: Optimal Pricing with Endogenous Information Provision

Wei He

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Nov 4 (Fri)


Moral Hazard and Special Interests in Congress

Haishan Yuan

University of Queensland

Nov 9 (Wed)

9.30-11am (Zoom)

Innovation Networks and R&D Allocation

Ernest Liu

Princeton University

Nov 11 (Fri)


The Benefits of Prenatal Care: Evidence from the SARS Epidemic in Taiwan

Hsien-Ming Lien

National Chengchi University

Nov 16 (Wed)


Migration Costs, Sorting, and the Agricultural Productivity Gap

Naijia Guo

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Nov 17 (Thu)


Directed Search on a Platform: Meet Fewer to Match More?

Makoto Watanabe

Kyoto University

Nov 18 (Fri)

1-2.30pm (ILS)

Optimal Measure Preserving Derivatives Revisited

Brendan K. Beare

University of Sydney

Nov 18 (Fri)


STRC - Occupational Reallocations within and across Firms: Implications for the Labor-Market Polarization

Toshihiko Mukoyama

Georgetown University

Nov 23 (Wed)


Local Elites, Land Rents, and Incentives for Development: Evidence from Village Chiefs in Indonesia

Gedeon Lim

University of Hong Kong

Nov 23 - 24 (Wed - Thu)

2.30-5.30pm (Zoom)

Lee Kong Chian Seminar in Econometrics - Asymptotic Equivalence for Inference on the Volatility from Noisy Observations

Markus Reiss

Humbodt University

Nov 25 (Fri)


Spectral Centroid Targeting with the HP Filter  

Ye Lu

University of Sydney

Nov 25 (Fri)


Harmonization...What Else? The Role for International Regulatory Agreements

Giovanni Maggi

Yale University

Dec 2 (Fri)


Preference Restrictions for Simple and Strategy-proof Rules: Local and Weakly Single-peaked Domains 

Jordi Massó

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Dec 2 (Fri)


Asymptotic Representations for Sequential Decisions, Adaptive Experiments, and Batched Bandits

Keisuke Hirano

The Pennsylvania State University

Dec 7 (Wed)


Practice Job Talk - Efficient Nonparametric Estimation of Generalized Panel Data Transformation Models with Fixed Effects

Ying Xia

SOE PhD student

Dec 14 (Wed)

10-11.30am (Zoom)

“Golden Ages”: A Tale of the Labor Markets in China and the United States

Hanming Fang

University of Pennsylvania