Seminar Series AY2018/2019, Term 2

AY2018/2019, Term 2

Jan 10 (Thu)Improved Inference on the Rank of a Matrix

Qihui Chen
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Jan 17 (Thu)A Robust and Efficient Approach to Causal Inference Based on Sparse Sufficient Dimension ReductionShujie Ma
University of California, Riverside
Feb 25 (Mon)Employment and Health among Older People: Self-employment vs. Wage EmploymentTaehyun Ahn
Sogang University
Feb 28 (Thu)Robust Opinion Aggregation and its DynamicsSimone Cerreia Vioglio
Bocconi University
Mar 1 (Fri) 2-3.30pmGeometrically stopped Markovian random growth processes and Pareto tailsBrendan Beare
University of California, San Diego
Mar 1 (Fri) 4-5.30pmMeasuring what matters in Global Value Chain and Value-added TradeAlessandro Borin
Bank of Italy

Mar 6 (Wed)

Input-Output Structure and Trade ElasticityMark Razhev
University of Melbourne
Mar 7 (Thu)Nutrition, Health, and Human Capital Development: Evidence from South Korea, 1946-1977Chulhee Lee
Seoul National University
Mar 11 (Mon)A Forensic Examination of China’s National AccountsMichael Song
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mar 13 (Wed)
Structural Change and De-IndustrializationKei-Mu Yi
University of Houston
Mar 13 (Wed)
Solving Dynamic Discrete Choice Models Using Smoothing and Sieve MethodsDennis Kristensen
University College London
Mar 14 (Thu)Robust Asymptotic Inference about Conditional Tail Properties: A Panel Data ApproachYulong Wang
Syracuse University
Mar 15 (Fri)Normal Approximation in Large Network ModelsMichael Leung
University of Southern California
Mar 20 (Wed)Dynamic ComplianceEdwin Leuven
University of Oslo
Mar 21 (Thu)Quantile Factor Models Venue: Interactive Learning SpaceLiang Chen
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Mar 22 (Fri)

Impact of China on Korea's Manufacturing Plants: The Role of Intermediate Goods Trade Venue: Interactive Learning SpaceMinho Kim
Korea Development Institute
Mar 22 (Fri)
Long-run Effects of Lottery Wealth on Psychological Well-being Venue: Interactive Learning SpaceErik Lindqvist
Stockholm School of Economics & Research Institute for Industrial Economics
Mar 28 (Thu)Monotonicity Test for Local Average Treatment Effects under Regression DiscontinuityYu-Chin Hsu
Academia Sinica
Apr 1 (Mon)Aggregate Asymmetry in Idiosyncratic Jump RiskViktor Todorov
Northwestern University
Apr 3 (Wed)Short-term Rentals and the Housing Market: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Airbnb in Los AngelesJos Van Ommeren
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Apr 4 (Thu)Information Acquisition with Subjective Waiting CostsNorio Takeoka
Hitotsubashi University
Apr 5 (Fri)Spurious Factor AnalysisAlexey Onatskiy
University of Cambridge
Apr 9 (Tue)
Regressions with Heavy Tailed Weakly Nonstationary ProcessesIoannis Kasparis
University of Cyprus
Apr 10 (Wed)The Local Economic Impacts of PrisonsPom Janjala Chirakijja
Monash University
Apr 11 (Thu)  On Stable and Efficient Mechanisms for Priority-based Allocation ProblemsQianfeng Tang
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Apr 12 (Fri)
A more powerful subvector Anderson Rubin test in linear instrumental variables regressionPatrik Guggenberger
Pennsylvania State University
Apr 12 (Fri)
The Political Economy of Medicaid: Ideology, Eligibility, and the Consequences of Cost-Saving MeasuresClaire Lim Queen Mary
University of London
Apr 17 (Wed)Asset Quality DynamicsErwan Quintin
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Apr 24 (Wed)
Productivity, (Mis)allocation and TradeKalina Manova
University College London
Apr 26 (Fri)Hypothesis Testing under Matrix NormalisationTassos Magdalinos
University of Southampton
May 3 (Fri)
Imperfect Competition in Firm-to-Firm TradeKen Kikkawa
University of British Columbia
May 3 (Fri)
A Structural Model of Homophily and Clustering in Social NetworksAngelo Mele
Johns Hopkins University
May 8 (Wed)The Wild Bootstrap with a Small Number of Large ClustersAndres Santos
University of California, Los Angeles
May 10 (Fri)
Skill Premium, Human Capital and Industrial DynamicsYong Wang
Peking University
May 10 (Fri)
Inequality, corruption and cooperation: Evidence from VietnamSaurabh Singhal
Lancaster University
May 17 (Fri)Prison Work and RecidivismGuilio Zanella
University of Adelaide
May 22 (Wed)Likelihood Based Inference for Dynamic Panel Data ModelsSeung Anh
Arizona State University
May 30 (Thu)
International Trade and Job Polarization: Evidence at the Worker LevelWolfgang Keller
University of Colorado Boulder
May 31 (Fri)Social Mobility in the Long Run: A Temporal Analysis of China from 1300 to 1900Carol Shiue
University of Colorado Boulder
Jul 5 (Fri)Fetal Origins of Mental Health: Evidence from Natural Disasters in TaiwanElaine Liu
University of Houston
Jul 12 (Fri)Optimal Auxiliary Priors and Reversible Jump Proposals for a Class of Variable Dimension ModelsAndriy Norets
Brown University
Jul 19 (Fri)Robust and Efficient Sequential GEL and GMM Estimation and Tests with Martingale DifferencesFei Jin
Fudan University
Jul 24 (Wed)Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes with Imperfect ComplianceSukjin Han
University of Texas at Austin
Aug 7 (Wed)Loss Attitudes in the U.S. Population: Evidence from Dynamically Optimized Sequential Experimentation (DOSE)Erik Snowberg
University of British Columbia
Aug 16 (Fri)Identification and Estimation of Discrete Choice Demand Models when Observed and Unobserved Product Characteristics are CorrelatedBoyoung Seo
​​​​​​​Indiana University