Seminar Series AY2017/2018, Term 2

AY2017/2018, Term 2

Feb 2 (Fri)
Venue: SOE SR 5.1

Bard Harstad
University of Oslo

Mar 1 (Thu)
River Sharing: Implementation of Efficient Water Sharing
Jens Leth Hougaard
University of Copenhagen
Mar 2 (Fri)
Early Marriage, Social Networks and the Transmission of Norms
Niaz Asadullah
University of Malaya
Mar 7 (Wed)
The Geography of Consumption
Ferdinando Monte
Georgetown University
Mar 8 (Thu)
Updating Ambiguous Beliefs in a Social Learning Experiment
Toru Kitagawa
University College London
Mar 9 (Fri)
On the Iterated Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Games
Federico Bugni
Duke University
Mar 12 (Mon)
Firm Boundaries and Financing with Opportunistic Stakeholder Behaviour
Sanjay Banerji
University of Nottingham
Mar 14 (Wed)Pricing When Customers Care about Fairness but Misinfer Markups
Pascal Michaillat
Brown University
Mar 15 (Thu)Coherently Efficient Preference Aggregation
Takashi Ui
Hitotsubashi University
Mar 19 (Mon)
(Cancelled) Dynamic Quantile Models of Rational Behavior
Antonio Galvao
University of Arizona
Mar 21 (Wed)
Econographics: Towards a Refined Representation of Behavioral Economics
Erik Snowberg
University of British Columbia
Mar 22 (Thu)
Do Single-Sex School Advantages Exist? Evidence from a School Choice Lottery Program in Seoul
Jungmin Lee
Seoul National University
Mar 22 (Thu)
Absolute and Relative Ambiguity Aversion: A Preferential Approach
Simone Cerreia Vioglio
Bocconi University
Mar 26 (Mon)Optimal Debt-Maturity Management
Saki Bigio
Mar 29 (Thu)Another Look at Returns to Birthweight
Shiko Maruyama
University of Technology Sydney
Apr 4 (Wed)Inference on Risk Premia in the Presence of Omitted Factors
Dacheng Xiu
University of Chicago
Apr 5 (Thu)
Representativeness and Similiarity
Chen Zhao
The University of Hong Kong
Apr 6 (Fri)
A Factor Structure of Disagreement
Fabian Winkler
Federal Reserve Board (US)
Apr 13 (Fri)
David Nagy
CREI & Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Apr 20 (Fri)
The Power of Social Pensions
Wei Huang
Apr 26 (Thu)
Revenue Sharing on Hierarchies
Biung-Ghi Ju
Seoul National University
Apr 30 (Mon)
Chloe Le Coq
Stockholm School of Economics
May 4 (Fri)
Int Media Room
Barriers to Labor Migration for the Rural Poor: Experimental Evidence from a Vocational Training Program in Bangladesh
Abu Shonchoy
New York University
May 4 (Fri)
Skill-Biased Structural Change
Joseph Kaboski
University of Notre Dame
May 18 (Fri)
Expressways, GDP, and Pollution: Evidence from China and an Explanatory Model
Guojun He
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
May 21 (Mon)
Price Information, Inter-Village Networks, and "Bargaining Spillovers": Experimental Evidence from Ghana
Emilia Soldani
Goethe University
May 21 (Mon)
Banking Dynamics and Capital Regulation
Tamon Takamura
Bank of Canada
May 23 (Wed)
Optimal Taxation with Private Insurance
Yongsung Chang
University of Rochester
May 25 (Fri)
Of Cities and Slums
Alexander Monge-Naranjo
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
May 30 (Wed)Childbearing Postponement, its Option Value, and the Biological Clock
David de la Croix
Université Catholique De Louvain
Jun 8 (Fri)
The Round Trip Effect: Endogenous Transport Costs and International Trade
Woan Foong Wong
University of Oregon
Jun 20 (Wed)Swimming Upstream: Input Capabilities and the Direction of Product Adoption in India
John Morrow
Birkbeck University of London