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SMU SOE Seminar (September 15, 2022): Generalizing Obvious Dominance using the Sure-thing Principle

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We offer a class of solution concepts for dynamic games by allowing obvious dominance (OD, Li, 2017) to be facilitated by players’ application of the sure-thing principle (STP, Savage, 1954) on relevant events in their contingent reasoning. In the resulting k-OD equilibrium, a lower k reflects a less demanding level of sophistication in applying STP. We present the class of gradual mechanisms, featuring dynamic information feedback, as a revelation principle for k-OD implementation. Applying k-OD to implement generalized median voter schemes, we show how an increasing sophistication level k extends the range of implementable social choice functions. 
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Chew Soo Hong
Southwestern University of
Finance and Economics
National University of Singapore

Decision theory


Biological and experimental economics

Decision genomics


15 September 2022 (Thursday)


4pm - 5.30pm


Meeting Room 5.1
School of Economics Level 5
Singapore Management University
90 Stamford Road
Singapore 178903