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SMU SOE Seminar (Mar 22, 2019, 4-5.30pm): Long-run Effects of Lottery Wealth on Psychological Well-being

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We surveyed a large sample of Swedish lottery players about their psychological well-being and analyzed the data following pre-registered procedures. Relative to matched controls, large-prize winners experience sustained increases in overall life satisfaction that persist for over a decade and show no evidence of dissipating with time. The estimated treatment effects on happiness and mental health are significantly smaller, suggesting that wealth has greater long-run effects on evaluative measures of well-being than on affective ones. Follow-up analyses of domain-specific aspects of life satisfaction clearly implicate financial life satisfaction as an important mediator for the long-run increase in overall life satisfaction.
Click here to view the paper.
Click here to view the CV.


Erik Lindqvist

Stockholm University and 
Research Institute of Industrial Economics
Labour Economics
Public Economics

22 March 2019 (Friday)


4pm - 5.30pm


Interactive Media Room, Level 5
School of Economics
Singapore Management University
90 Stamford Road
Singapore 178903