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SMU SOE Seminar (Mar 13, 2019, 4-5.30pm): Solving Dynamic Discrete Choice Models Using Smoothing and Sieve Methods

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We propose to combine smoothing, simulations and sieve approximations to solve for the value function in a general class of dynamic discrete choice (DDC) models. We use Monte Carlo methods to approximate the Bellman operator defining the solution. The random Bellman operator is not smooth which complicates the search for the corresponding solution which is generally non-differentiable. To circumvent this issue, we introduce a smoothed version of the random Bellman operator and solve for the corresponding smoothed value function using projection-based methods where the unknown solution is approximated by a set of basis functions. We provide an asymptotic theory for the approximate solution and show that it converges with root-N-rate, where N is number of Monte Carlo draws, towards a Gaussian process. We examine its performance in practice through a set of numerical experiments and find that the new method is computationally fast and reliable and provides a good approximation to the unknown solution.
Click here to view the CV.


Dennis Kristensen

University College London
Econometric Theory
Applied Microeconomics
Quantitative Finance

13 March 2019 (Wednesday)


4pm - 5.30pm


Meeting Room 5.1, Level 5
School of Economics
Singapore Management University
90 Stamford Road
Singapore 178903