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SMU SOE Seminar (Jan 17, 2019): A Robust and Efficient Approach to Causal Inference Based on Sparse Sufficient Dimension Reduction

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A fundamental assumption used in causal inference with observational data is that treatment assignment is ignorable given measured confounding variables. This assumption of no missing confounders is plausible if a large number of baseline covariates are included in the analysis, as we often have no prior knowledge of which variables can be important confounders. Thus, estimation of treatment effects with a large number of covariates has received considerable attention in recent years. Most existing methods require specifying certain parametric models involving the outcome, treatment and confounding variables, and employ a variable selection procedure to identify confounders. However, selection of a proper set of confounders depends on correct specification of the working models. The bias due to model misspecification and incorrect selection of confounding variables can yield misleading results. We propose a robust and efficient approach for inference about the average treatment effect via a flexible modelling strategy incorporating penalized variable selection. Specifically, we consider an estimator constructed based on an efficient influence function that involves a propensity score and an outcome regression. We then propose a new sparse sufficient dimension reduction method to estimate these two functions without making restrictive parametric modeling assumptions. The proposed estimator of the average treatment effect is asymptotically normal and semiparametrically efficient without the need for variable selection consistency. The proposed methods are illustrated via simulation studies and a biomedical application.

Keywords: Average treatment effect, Dimension reduction, High dimensional data, Multiple-index model, Outcome regression, Semiparametric efficiency.
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Shujie Ma

University of California, Riverside

17 January 2019 (Thursday)

4pm - 5.30pm

Meeting Room 5.1, Level 5
School of Economics
Singapore Management University
90 Stamford Road
Singapore 178903