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SMU SOE Seminar (Sep 14, 2017): Farsighted Stability with Heterogeneous Expectations

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This paper analyzes farsighted stable sets when agents have heterogeneous expectations over the dominance paths. We consider expectation functions satisfying two properties of path-persistence and consistency. We show that farsighted stable sets with heterogeneous expectations always exist and that any singleton farsighted stable set with common expectations is a farsighted stable set with heterogeneous expectations. We characterize singleton farsighted stable sets with heterogeneous expectations in one-to-one matching models and voting models, and show that the relaxation of the hypothesis of common expectations greatly expands the set of states which can be supported as singleton farsighted stable sets.
JEL Classification: C71, D72, D74
Keywords: Farsighted stable sets, Heterogeneous expectations, One-to-one matching, Voting, Effectivity functions
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Click here to view his CV.





Francis Bloch

Paris School of Economics

Public Economics
Social and Economic Network
Game Theory
Industrial Organisation
Digital Economy

14 September 2017 (Thursday)

4pm - 5.30pm

Seminar Room 5.1, Level 5
School of Economics 
Singapore Management University
90 Stamford Road
Singapore 178903