Economics Honours Programme

Students who wish to enrol in the Economics Honours Programme must complete the Senior Thesis course. To apply for the Senior Thesis course, students must obtain at least B+ in ECON350 Research Methods in Economics, maintain a GPA of at least 3.40 in the Economics Core and Elective courses, and have completed at least 24 course units.

Senior Thesis

The Senior Thesis is a 1-term course which is equivalent to 1 course unit. It includes a presentation of the research paper supervised by a faculty member in the School who is an expert in the relevant research area and examined by an Examiner, who is another faculty member in SMU, together with the Supervisor.

In order to receive Honours in the Economics Major, a student must obtain a grade of at least B in the Senior Thesis course, and maintain a GPA of at least 3.40 in the Economics Core and Elective courses.