Experience that Connects
The fourth session of the SMU Economics Collective, Experience that Connects, was held on 6 March 2021. The event was opened to graduating students from all junior colleges and polytechnics, and garnered the participation of 100 students.
This one-day immersion programme was organised by our Economics senior students, Dobariyapatel Anish Kishor, Sia Yu Ting, Timothy Lim Fang Zhi and Tricia Tok Qian Hui and supported by the School of Economics Associate Dean, Professor Massimiliano Landi, Associate Professor Madhav Aney and Assistant Professor Giovanni Ko, as well as several other Economics senior students and alumni.
Through this programme, students had a chance to experience a real SMU Economics seminar class and to hear what our alumni and current students have to say about their SMU Economics journeys.
Looking forward to seeing a new cohort of students next year!
If you want to know more about this and related activities, or our undergraduate programme, please write us at undergrad_econs@smu.edu.sg.
Event Photos (2021)

Event Photos (2019)

Event Photos (2018)

Event Photos (2017)