Admission Requirements

Our formal requirements for MPhil and PhD are:

  • A strong Bachelor or Master degree

    Bachelor or master degree in Economics (or related fields) with considerable mathematics and statistics, and with evidence of research potential. We do accept students with non-economics background – there are generally students from disciplines with a heavy mathematics component (engineering, physics, math/stats majors)

  • Excellent GRE or GMAT scores

    Applicants from SMU, National University of Singapore (NUS), and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) with strong economics and technical backgrounds and excellent CGPAs may use their undergraduate/masters transcript as an alternative to the GRE/GMAT.

  • Excellent TOEFL or IELTS scores

    Students from English speaking undergraduate/master programmes do not need to submit TOEFL or IELTS score. However, you should consider whether including proof of English proficiency will help your application.

  • Personal and Research Statement

    Describe your academic interests, motivation, and objectives for pursuing PhD study, research experience, and any other information that you wish to highlight about yourself. It is your opportunity to convince us of your potential and suitability as a researcher in economics.

  • Two Referee Reports
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Admission interview

We consider each application on a holistic basis, taking into account all the information presented in your application. We also consider if the applicants research interests and motivations broadly complement the academic interests of our research faculty. To view our faculty’s research areas and areas of expertise, please click here. All shortlisted applicants will be interviewed, and our admission decisions will be based on an assessment of your entire application package.

Regarding mathematics: a PhD program in Economics is mathematically demanding. A strong mathematical background is essential just to get through the first year core courses. An ideal background would include multivariable calculus, real analysis, intermediate level linear algebra, and a strong foundation in probability and statistics.