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SMU SOE Seminar Series (March 18, 2024): Optimal Monetary Policy during a Cost-of-Living Crisis

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How should monetary policy react to sectoral shocks in a world where consumption baskets vary across households? We present a multi-sector New-Keynesian model with generalized, non-homothetic preferences and inequality. While being tractable, the model can be directly linked to micro data. Two novel wedges appear in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve (NKPC) and the output gap is governed by a Marginal Consumer Price Index (MCPI), rather than the regular CPI. A negative productivity shock in necessity sectors shifts the NKPC upward, increasing CPI inflation and decreasing the output gap. We find that the optimal policy response is relatively accommodative.
Keywords: Sectoral shocks, Non-homothetic Preferences, Inequality, HANK, Optimal Policy.
JEL Codes: E21, E25, E31, E52.
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Vincent Sterk

University College London

18 March 2024 (Monday)


4pm - 5.30pm


Meeting Room 5.1, Level 5          
School of Economics          
Singapore Management University          
90 Stamford Road          
Singapore 178903