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The growing population of elderly, their care needs, and particularly the increasing prevalence of Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias present serious challenges to society. Questions of how to structure, fund, and deliver long-term care are central policy issues and are extant across a variety of countries. Primary among these pressing issues is the role of family. In many countries, informal care comprises the vast majority of care provide for the elderly, with formal care taking a backseat to that provided by families. The need to provide care can present a significant burden to families who often struggle to care for an elderly member while also juggling careers and the demands of the labor market. The substitution of formal care for this informal help provides its own set of challenges, many of which are again shared across countries.
In this presentation, I discuss a series of studies demonstrating the impact of informal care on working aged women. I then highlight a new International Long-term Care project run through the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) that is beginning to compare and contrast the situation across a set of 10 developed countries. Finally, I discuss potential future changes in the long-term landscape—both those changes that will likely exacerbate the problems and those that might help society better deal with the issues.