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SMU SOE Seminar (March 14, 2023): “Invisible Killer”: Seasonal Allergy and Accidents

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Despite at least 400 million seasonal allergy sufferers worldwide, the adverse effects of pollen on “non-health” outcomes, such as cognition and productivity, are surprisingly understudied. Using the ambulance archives in Japan, we are the first to demonstrate that high pollen days are associated with the increased occurrence of accidents and injuries—one of the most extreme consequences of cognitive impairment. Using geolocation data, we find limited evidence of avoidance behaviors, implying that such risk is severely discounted. Finally, the increased pollen concentrations due to climate change are projected to increase pollen-induced accidents, with a minimum social cost of USD236 million annually.
Keywords: Seasonal allergy, Pollen, Accidents, Cognition, Avoidance behaviors, Adaptation, Climate change
JEL Codes: I12, J24, Q51, Q53, Q54 
Click here to view the CV.

Hitoshi Shigeoka

University of Tokyo
Health Economics
Labor Economics
Public Economics
Behavioral Economics

14 March 2023 (Tuesday)


4pm - 5.30pm


Meeting Room 5.1, Level 5
School of Economics
Singapore Management University
90 Stamford Road
Singapore 178903