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SMU SOE Seminar (Dec 16, 2019): Occupational Retirement and Social Security Reform: the Roles of Physical and Cognitive Health

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Under skill-biased technical change, jobs are becoming less physically demanding whereas re-quire increasing cognitive abilities. However, existing research pays insufficient attention on the role of cognitive health in retirement, nor on the heterogeneous retirement effects of physical and cognitive health across occupations. Upon motivating facts, this paper proposes and estimates a dynamic structural model of individual retirement and saving decisions. It incorporates both physical and cognitive health and allows their retirement effects to differ across occupations via four channels respectively: disutility of working, wage, medical expenditure and life expectancy. The model is estimated with the U.S. Health and Retirement Study data by Indirect Inference. We find cognitive health has little retirement effect for manual workers. However, for clerical workers the effect is as large as physical health. We also reveal the different underlying mechanisms through which physical and cognitive health lead to retirement. Our counterfactual experiments find, contrary to common concern, manual workers would have larger delay in retirement if retirement age increased. Nevertheless, they would suffer larger welfare loss than professionals due to the rigidity of deciding when to retire, especially by interacting with their poorer physical health.
Keywords: Cognitive health, cognition, physical health, occupation, retirement, social security, public pension.
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Jiayi Wen

Xiamen University
Labor Economics
Population Aging
Social Security
Health Economics
Public Economics

16 December 2019 (Monday)


4pm - 5.30pm


Meeting Room 5.1, Level 5
School of Economics
Singapore Management University
90 Stamford Road
Singapore 178903