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SMU SOE Seminar (Aug 22, 2019): Optimal auction design with common values: An informationally-robust approach

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A Seller has a single unit of a good to sell to a group of bidders. The good is costly to produce, and the bidders have a pure common value that may be higher or lower than the production cost. The value is drawn from a prior distribution that is commonly known. The Seller does not know the bidders’ beliefs about the value and evaluates each auction mechanism according to the lowest expected profit across all Bayes Nash equilibria and across all common-prior information structures that are consistent with the given known value distribution. We construct an optimal auction for such a Seller. The optimal auction has a relatively simple structure, in which bidders send one-dimensional bids, the aggregate allocation is a function of the aggregate bid, and individual allocations are proportional to bids. The accompanying transfers solve a system of differential equations that aligns the Seller’s profit with the bidders’ local incentives. We report a number of additional properties of the maxmin mechanisms, including what happens as the number of bidders grows large and robustness with respect to the prior on the value.
Keywords: Mechanism design, information design, optimal auctions, profit maximization, common value, information structure, maxmin, Bayes correlated equilibrium, direct mechanism.
JEL Codes: C72, D44, D82, D83.
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Songzi Du

University of California San Diego
Game Theory
Mechanism Design
Market Microstructure

22 August 2019 (Thursday)


4pm - 5.30pm


Meeting Room 5.1, Level 5
School of Economics
Singapore Management University
90 Stamford Road
Singapore 178903