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SMU SOE Economics Lecture Series (Mar 23, 2023, 1pm-3pm): Methods for Using Selection on Observed Variables to Address Selection on Unobserved Variables

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Methods for Using Selection on Observed Variables to Address Selection on Unobserved Variables

We develop new estimation methods for estimating causal effects based on the idea that the amount of selection on the observed explanatory variables in a model provides a guide to the amount of selection on the unobservables. We discuss two approaches, one of which involves the use of a factor model as a way to infer properties of unobserved covariates from the observed covariates. We construct an interval estimator that asymptotically covers the true value of the causal effect, and we propose related confidence regions that cover the true value with fixed probability. 

Profile Name


Walker Family Distinguished Chair in Economics

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Christopher Taber joined the University of Wisconsin--Madison faculty in Fall 2007 and is the Walker Family Distinguished Chair in Economics, the James J. Heckman Professor, and chair of the department of economics. He is a fellow of the Society of Labor Economics, the International Association of Applied Econometrics, and of the Econometric Society.  Taber's research focuses on the development and implementation of econometric models of skill formation. His work on economics of education includes studies of the effectiveness of Catholic schools and of voucher programs, the importance of borrowing constraints in college going decisions,  general equilibrium models of the labor market. His work on earnings inequality includes determinants of earnings inequality, evaluating the factors behind changes in inequality over time, estimating the determinants of the gender wage gap,  and  understanding important skills to develop for low skilled workers. He also has a methodological side and has worked on non-experimental methods for evaluation. He has been head editors at the Journal of Labor Economics (2007-2012) and Quantitative Economics (2017-2021). 

Please view the CV here.

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