A Research Agenda on Platform Economics
In this lecture, Dr. Jin will summarize her 20-year research on platform economics and point out a few future directions that may be attractive to the research community. She will also review ongoing policy debates about digital platforms and big data, and discuss how economists can contribute to these important issues in the global economy.
Professor of Economics
University of Maryland, College Park
Dr. Jin is Professor of Economics at the University of Maryland, College Park. Before moving to the US, she graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1992 and the Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China (currently Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance) in 1995. In the US, she obtained her PhD of Economics from UCLA in 2000 and has been teaching at the University of Maryland since then. She was the chief economist of the US Federal Trade Commission from 2016 to 2017 and a Senior Principal Economist at Amazon.com from 2019 to 2020. She also co-founded Hazel Analytics in 2014, which is a Seattle-based analytics company that promotes the use of open government data. Most of her research focuses on information asymmetry among economic agents and how to provide information to overcome the information problem. Her research has been published in leading economics, management and marketing journals, with support from the National Science Foundation, the Net Institute, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Washington Center for Equitable Growth. She is currently a managing editor of the International Journal of Industrial Organization, associate editor of RAND Journal of Economics, advisory council member of Journal of Industrial Economics, and board member of Industrial Organization Society. She has been Research Associate of NBER since 2012.
Please view the CV here.