Paper 1: Asymptotic Equivalence for Inference on the Volatility from Noisy Observations
We consider discrete-time observations of a continuous martingale under measurement error. This serves as a fundamental model for high-frequency data in finance, where an efficient price process is observed under microstructure noise. It is shown that this nonparametric model is in Le Cam's sense asymptotically equivalent to a Gaussian shift experiment in terms of the square root of the volatility function σ and a nonstandard noise level. As an application, new rate-optimal estimators of the volatility function and simple efficient estimators of the integrated volatility are constructed.
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Paper 2: Estimating the Quadratic Covariation Matrix from Noisy Observations: Local Method of Moments and Efficiency
An efficient estimator is constructed for the quadratic covariation or integrated co-volatility matrix of a multivariate continuous martingale based on noisy and nonsynchronous observations under high-frequency asymptotics. Our approach relies on an asymptotically equivalent continuous-time observation model where a local generalised method of moments in the spectral domain turns out to be optimal. Asymptotic semi-parametric efficiency is established in the Cramér-Rao sense. Main findings are that nonsynchronicity of observation times has no impact on the asymptotics and that major efficiency gains are possible under correlation. Simulations illustrate the finite-sample behaviour.
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Paper 3: Inference on the Maximal Rank of Time-Varying Covariance Matrices Using High-Frequency Data
We study the rank of the instantaneous or spot covariance matrix ΣX(t) of a multidimensional continuous semi-martingale X(t). Given high-frequency observations X(i/n), i=0,…,n, we test the null hypothesis rank(ΣX(t))≤r for all t against local alternatives where the average (r+1)st eigenvalue is larger than some signal detection rate vn. A major problem is that the inherent averaging in local covariance statistics produces a bias that distorts the rank statistics. We show that the bias depends on the regularity and a spectral gap of ΣX(t). We establish explicit matrix perturbation and concentration results that provide non-asymptotic uniform critical values and optimal signal detection rates vn. This leads to a rank estimation method via sequential testing. For a class of stochastic volatility models, we determine data-driven critical values via normed p-variations of estimated local covariance matrices. The methods are illustrated by simulations and an application to high-frequency data of U.S. government bonds.
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