Many puzzles and paradoxes have accompanied China’s remarkable growth experience. Its growth path has also defied conventional wisdom. How do we make sense of China’s unique development path and what lies ahead for its future? How will it impact the world economy as it is on its way to becoming the soon-to-be largest economy in the world? The lecture will take an alternative lens that aims to uncover some misperceived realities in the Chinese economy.
Event Details
Date: 5 September 2017, Tuesday
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Venue: SMU Administration Building, Level 5, Mochtar Riady Auditorium
81 Victoria Street, Singapore 188065 (Click here for map)
Description: Registration for guests will begin at 10:00am.
The lecture will start proper at 11:00am (45min), followed by Q&A (20min).
Professor Jin Keyu, London School of Economics

Dr. Keyu Jin is a tenured professor of economics at the London school of Economics. She is from Beijing, China, and holds a B.A., M.A. and Phd from Harvard University. Her research focuses on international macroeconomics and the Chinese economy. Multiple academic works have been published in the top journal in Economics, such as the American Economic Review. She sits on the editorial board of The Review of Economic Studies. Outside academia, she serves as a non-executive director to Richemont Group, the second largest luxury conglomerate. A columnist for Caixin Magazine, the main economics and finance magazine in China. She has had prior experience at the IMF, the World Bank, the New York Fed, Goldman Sachs, as well as other financial institutions. In 2014, she was named Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.
Registration By Invitation Only
Each person must provide the below info in order to be registered. An email confirmation will be sent upon successful registration.
- Name of Individual (Surname, First Name)
Name of Educational Institution (Name of Junior College or Polytechnic)
Title of Person (Please indicate "Principal", "Teacher" or "Student")
NRIC Number/Student Pass
Email Address
Admission is free and by registration only.
Slots are limited and are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please email Juniper Ng ( by 16 August 2017, 6pm to register.