2023 SMU Mini Trade Workshop I


The 2023 SMU Mini Trade Workshop I is organized by School of Economics, Singapore Management University (SMU). The workshop is held on 18 January, 2023.

Keynote Speaker:

Invited Speakers:


Date:  18 January 2023 (Wednesday)
Venue: SOE Meeting Room 5.1

9:00 - 10:30am 

"A World Trading System for the Twenty-First Century"
Robert W. Staiger, Dartmouth College

10:45 - 11:45am

"Location Choices of Multi-plant Oligopolists: Theory and Evidence from the Cement Industry"
Chenying Yang, Singapore Management University

1:00 - 1:30pm

"National Treatment, Product Likeness, and Trade Restrictiveness of Product Standards"
Yuan Mei, Singapore Management University

1:45 - 2:45pm

"Labor Market Implications of Taiwan’s Accession to the WTO: A Dynamic Quantitative Analysis"
Pao-Li Chang, Singapore Management University

3:00 - 3:30pm

"Globalization, Migration, and the Spatial Organization of Production"
Lin Ma, Singapore Management University

