Singapore Economic Policy Forum 2024


Economic Society of Singapore (ESS) and SMU-School of Economics


16th Singapore Economic Policy Forum 2024

“Opportunities Amidst Challenges”

Several of the key secular trends facing the global economy—climate change, the rise of Artificial Intelligence, and socio-political polarization—are already impacting businesses, households, and governments worldwide. Yet, these secular trends also present opportunities in terms of climate technology, improved productivity, or a chance to forge a new social compact. The Singapore Economic Policy Forum provides a platform for experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to share insights and strategies on mitigating them or preparing for these risks. 

We have chosen the theme “Opportunities Amidst Challenges” and will explore actions being taken by businesses, households, and governments to not only mitigate the impact of these risks but also to find solutions and undertake changes to eventually come out stronger. We are delighted to have Minister of Education Mr. Chan Chun Sing as our Guest of Honor. He will present on the topic of AI and its impact on education.

Date:14 October 2024 (Monday)
Time:8.30am - 5.10pm
Voco Orchard Singapore
Grand Ballroom 1 (Level 3)
581 Orchard Road, Singapore 238883


Please download the registration slip here and send it to (Attn: Ms Vivian) on or before 23 September 2024 (Closed).



8:30am - 9:00am


9:00am - 9:05am

Welcome Speech by Professor Jia Li

Singapore Management University
School of Economics

9:05am - 9:10am

Opening Remarks by Professor Euston Quah 
Economic Society of Singapore

9:10am - 10:00am

Fireside Chat: Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education
Mr Chan Chun Sing    
Guest of Honor, Minister for Education

Chairperson: Mr Prakash Kannan, Chief Economist Director, Economics & Investment Strategy, GIC

10:00am - 10:15am

  • Outstanding Economics Teacher Award Presentation
  • The ESS-MOH Essay Competition Award Presentation

10:15am - 10:40am

Tea/Coffee Break

10:40am - 11:10am

Session 1: Global Risk Outlook: Rising to the Challenge of an Interconnected World by Mr James Cheo, Chief Investment Officer, Southeast Asia and India, HSBC Global Private Banking and Wealth

11:10am - 1140am

Session 2: Singapore’s Response to Global Risks: Perspectives from the Asian Financial Markets - Market Resilience in Asia by Mr Teo Chin Ker, Portfolio Manager / Head of Investment, Amundi Singapore Limited, Singapore

11:40am - 12:10pm

Panel Discussion A: Navigating the Global Uncertainty from Financial Institutions’ Perspectives 

Chairperson: Ms Maureen DeRooij, Chief Executive Officer, The Executive Forum Singapore

  • Mr James Cheo
  • Mr Teo Chin Ker


12:10pm - 1:30pm


1:30pm - 1:50pm

Session 3: AI and Labor Market by Dr Ding QinXu, Lecturer, School of Business, SUSS

1:50pm - 2:10pm

Session 4: How University and Industry Can Work Together to Prepare Students Today for Tomorrow’s Tech Job Market by Dr Kim Seonghoon, Associate Professor, Deputy Director Centre for Research on Successful Aging (ROSA), School of Economics, SMU
2:10pm - 2:30pmSession 5: Low-Wage Workers - Singapore Social Policy by Dr Irene Ng Yue Hoong, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and the Social Service Research Centre, NUS

2:30pm - 3.00pm

Panel Discussion B: Preventing Social Polarization

Chairperson: Dr Walter Theseira, Associate Professor, School of Business, SUSS

  • Dr Ding QinXu
  • Dr Kim Seonghoon
  • Dr Irene Ng Yue Hong


3:00pm - 3.30pm

Tea/Coffee Break

3:30pm - 3:50pmSession 6: Sino-US Competition and Regional Security by Dr Chang Jun Yan, Assistant Professor, Military Studies Programme and United States Programme, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), NTU
3:50pm - 4:10pmSession 7: Imperatives for SMEs in an Uncertain World by Mr Ang Yuit, President, ASME
4:10pm - 4:30pmSession 8: Building Geopolitical Resilience by Mr Ziad Haider, Partner and Global Director of Geopolitical Risk, McKinsey & Company

4:30pm - 5.00pm

Panel Discussion C: Geo-Economic Warfare and its Impact on Singapore Business

Chairperson: Associate Professor Eugene Tan, Yong Pung How School of Law, SMU

  • Dr Chang Jun Yan
  • Mr Ang Yuit


5:00pm - 5.10pmClosing Remarks by Professor Timothy Clark
Singapore Management University