Singapore Economic Policy Forum 2016


The Singapore economy faces several headwinds in its medium-term future arising from slower growth, a demographic transition, and disruptive technology. This Forum aims to identify policy designs that will place Singapore on pathways that will keep it remaining economically dynamic and inclusive in the face of these headwinds. Organised jointly by the Economic Society of Singapore and Singapore Management University (SMU), the 9th Singapore Economic Policy Forum will feature presentations by SMU economists followed by discussions by other thought-leaders to explore the “Pathways Towards Economic Dynamism and Inclusion: Lessons and Challenges for Singapore”. 


27 October 2016 (Thursday) 8:30am – 4:45pm


Regent Singapore Hotel

Royal Pavilion Room I-II (Lobby Level)

1 Cuscaden Road, Singapore 249715


PROFESSOR Chow Hwee Kwan

PROFESSOR Hoon Hian Teck



PROFESSOR Tan Swee Liang

DR Xie Taojun

Click here to view speaker details

Theme of Forum: Pathways Towards Economic Dynamism and Inclusion: Lessons and Challenges for Singapore


Please click here to download Registration Form.



8:30am – 9:00am


9:00am – 9:15am

Opening Remarks

Euston Quah
​​​​​​​Economic Society of Singapore

9:15am – 9:35am

Keynote speech by Mr Ng Chee Meng, Acting Minister for Education (Schools) & Senior Minister of State for Transport

9:35am – 9:45am

Outstanding Economics Teacher Award Presentation

9:45am – 10:45am

Morning Sessions: Chaired by Ng Yew Kwang, Winsemius Professor in Economics, Nanyang Technological University

Session 1: Future of the Singapore economy: What are the challenges and what to do about them? by Hoon Hian Teck, Professor of Economics and Associate Dean, School of Economics, Singapore Management University

Discussant: Francis Tan, Economist, Global Economics and Markets Research, United Overseas Bank

10:45am – 11:00am

Tea/Coffee Break

11:00am – 12:00pm

Session 2: Re-thinking some organising principles of urban life in Singapore by Hsu Wen-Tai, Associate Professor of Economics, School of Economics, Singapore Management University

Discussant: Lu Yi, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, National University of Singapore

12:00pm – 1:00pm

Session 3: Tackling disruptive technology in the financial sector: Are Singapore government incentives and labour force preparation adequate? by Tan Swee Liang, Associate Professor of Economics (Practice), School of Economics and Director of the Centre for Teaching Excellence, Singapore Management University

Discussant: Selena Ling, Head of Treasury Research & Strategy, OCBC Bank

1:00pm – 2:15pm


2:15pm – 3:15pm

Afternoon Sessions: Chaired by Walter Edgar Theseira, Senior Lecturer of Economics, SIM University

Session 4: The provision and design of social safety nets in Singapore: What is optimal and sustainable? by Ho Kong Weng, Associate Professor of Economics (Education), School of Economics, Singapore Management University

Discussant: Randolph Tan, Deputy Director of the Centre for Applied Research, SIM University

3:15pm – 3:30pm

Tea/Coffee break

3:30pm – 4:30pm

Session 5:Is Singapore’s exchange-rate policy framework still adequate to maintain price stability? An evaluation by Chow Hwee Kwan, Professor of Economics and Statistics (Practice), School of Economics, Singapore Management University and Xie Taojun, Research Fellow at the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics, Singapore Management University

Discussant: Peter Wilson, Associate Professor of Economics, National University of Singapore (former)

4:30pm – 4:45pm

Closing Remarks:

Chairman, Singapore Economic Policy Forum, 2016