
An Economics PhD programme trains you to do rigorous research and analysis in Economics. You learn to apply economic tools to understand real world problems. The training in economic theory helps you to develop conceptual frameworks to make sense of new phenomena that affect economies. A good grounding in empirical methodology enables you to find regularities in economic data, test theoretical predictions, and evaluate the effectiveness of alternative policies.  Graduates from Economics PhD programmes often go on to pursue a career of teaching and research in academia. Many graduates also go on to work in industry, the public sector, and in international organizations where they apply their economics knowledge and research capabilities to improve the economic condition of their firm, their industry, their country, or the world in general.

The Singapore Management University's Economics PhD programme is a small and highly selective programme delivered by a team of internationally recognized professors who are actively engaged in research at the frontiers of economics knowledge, and who are dedicated to teaching and training the next generation of economic researchers and thinkers, teachers, and policy makers. Our programme provides the rigorous training you will require to operate at the forefront of economic research, and provides structured interaction opportunities with our research faculty, who will guide you to the frontier of their fields. The programme also offers interaction opportunities with many of the top researchers in economics, through our very extensive seminar and visitor programmes, and the frequent international scientific conferences organized by us.

SMU's School of Economics is recognised internationally as a leading centre for economics research. In Tilburg University’s “Top 100 Economics Schools Research Ranking” based on publications in leading journals between 2016-2020, it was ranked 74th overall. It is ranked 1st in Asia and among the top 10 globally for Econometrics research.

We invite you to find out more about us and the programme we offer, and should you decide that you would like to pursue a PhD in Economics, we invite you to apply for our programme, to join us as we study together the fascinating discipline of Economics.

Hoon Hian Teck

Professor of Economics
Dean, School of Economics

Nicolas L. Jacquet

Associate Professor of Economics
Associate Dean (Postgraduate Research Programmes)
School of Economics