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Essays in Applied Microeconomics & Public Policy Evaluation

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Essays in Applied Microeconomics & Public Policy Evaluation

This dissertation comprises four papers that evaluate the effectiveness of public policies in Singapore. The first paper studies the non-tangible effect of a new non-contributory pension in Singapore on subjective well-being. It separately estimates the announcement and disbursement effects, and explores heterogenous effects resulting from differences in personal characteristics. The second paper investigates the effect of the same pension on labour supply, work expectations, private cash transfers and expenditure. The third paper evaluates a pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a new transitional care programme in a large quaternary hospital. We find that the merging of an assortment of existing transitional care services, to protocolise post-discharge patient encounters, reduced healthcare utilisation and patients’ anxiety/depression. Lastly, the fourth paper estimates heterogeneous hedonic prices for different levels of housing space. It does so by exploiting a unique space-adding housing upgrading programme in Singapore, that added a uniform amount of 6m2 of space to each existing housing unit regardless of the original size of the unit. The absolute extent of price appreciation, as well as the average price per unit housing space, varied significantly across the original size of the units.


CHEN Yanying
PhD Candidate
School of Economics
Singapore Management University


Professor LI Jing
Assistant Professor of Economics
Lee Kong Chian Fellow
Member, Institutional Review Board

Committee Members:
Professor Christine HO
Assistant Professor of Economics

Professor Tomoki FUJII
Associate Professor of Economics
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Curriculum)

External Member:
Visiting Professor of Economics
Senior Research Fellow in the Centre
for Research on the Economics of Ageing (CREA)

Applied Microeconomics

4 May 2018 (Friday)


Seminar Room 5.1, Level 5
School of Economics 
Singapore Management University
90 Stamford Road
Singapore 178903